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  • lynnehutcheon61

2020 Launch of the 'Pollination Revolution'

Updated: Sep 12, 2020

We have just started to roll out the action plan for launching and promoting Plant My Planets mission to engage the general public in the 'Pollination Revolution'. This is to encourage everyone and anyone to plant something different each month rolling on year by year in their greenspace that will attract pollinating creatures. This continuous addition and expansion of pollen laden plants will in the next few years support the increase and health of our struggling wildlife - your small action, monthly investment of a few pounds will reap an untold wealth of benefits to our ecosystem.

Photo by Jason Bishop on Unsplash

We are busy bees ourselves contacting all media outlets, garden centres infact anyone who either has contact with the general public or sells plants and seeds to spread the word and engage as many people as possible to make our dream of creating the pollination revolution a national and international happening.

If you know of anyone who would help promote or help us on our way then please contact us on

Thank you from the Plant My Planet Team

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