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  • lynnehutcheon61

National Gardening Week April 2019

I am ashamed to say that I did not know that it was National Gardening Week this week, 29th April to 5th May but thanks to a prompt by Bernie at Shires Horticulture I do now and will put it in the diary for next year as well making sure I help to promote it on my website early in 2020.

I promised myself a minimum 1 hour every night potting and planting. So starting this week I have done just that as you will see from the video taken below from the white garden at Baughurst. It is a newly landscaped garden (as all gardeners know this is never ending) work in progress!!!!!! . All the plants are still very young and small and there is still a lot of planting and landscaping to complete but we are on our way! The theme of the garden is white, green and silver with the main criteria that as many pollinating plants are used as possible not only in the beds but also in the small pond. The plant plan is to make sure that we use as wide a variety of plants as possible and ensure that there is an abundance for each calendar month - in line with our organisation and its mission.

And great news there is also a National Gardening Week for Children 25th May-29th May 2019. Launched by Neil Grant from Ferndale Garden Centre it is being supported by the whole of the UK Garden industry. It supports the Greenfingers charity which is dedicated to providing magical gardens for children in hospices suffering from life limiting illnesses.

Go to their website for more details and some great ideas to get your little ones planting!!!!!

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